New Online Map: Map of Miletus
29 November 2022
Photo: Miletgrabung 2022
The new digital Map of Miletus has recently been made available on the iDAI.geoserver portal ( In the interactive online map, dynamic phase plans of the city can be created and information as well as bibliographies about the buildings and areas of the city can be retrieved. For the first time, the city map of Miletus is made publicly available as a vector layer. In addition, data on the course of the coast and the elevation topography can be retrieved. All layers of the map can be integrated into local GIS projects via Web Map and Web Feature Services and are thus flexibly available to researchers. The map was produced as part of the DFG/ANR project "Forms of Life in the Megapolis: Miletus in the Longue Durée" led by Christof Berns and Julien Zurbach in collaboration with Michael Breuer from the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. Lisa Steinmann (Hamburg) and Paula Cardona Villamil (Berlin) are responsible for the production and administration of the map. We would like to thank Alexander Reich and Maurice Thurn for their collaboration on the background data. Before publishing plans created with the help of the map, please send a request to miletgrabung"AT"