Harbor Gate
In the ancient city center, near the eponymous Lion Harbor and between the Harbor Hall and the Delphinion, stand the remnants of the Harbor Gate of Miletus. The gate complex cannot be dated precisely, but it is believed to have emerged during the extensive new-build and refurbishment measures of the first and second century CE, which were probably carried out to improve the city center. When the Harbor Gate was erected, the adjacent buildings had to be modified to accommodate it. The size of the Harbor Hall was only reduced marginally, while the western wall of the Delphinion was partially removed to connect the corresponding section of the sanctuary with the gate complex. Only the first of 3 steps making up the foundation, built from rubble and mortar, is visible today. You can still see wagon tracks where the central passage used to be. Due to a lack of material, the wings adjoining the passage cannot be reconstructed precisely, but it seems likely that the structure consisted of 3 pairs of columns and 2 final columns on each side. The Harbor Gate does not appear to have had a practical purpose beyond its routing function. Considering its location at the northern end of Miletus’ main avenue, it may well have been of a representative character. In the third century CE, the previously architecturally open gate was given closed walls and a threshold, making it part of the city’s fortification.
Text: Nadia Cahenzli
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